St. John's in the news! Click below to see CBS 8 News story on
the 1994 fire and rebuilding of St. John's!
the 1994 fire and rebuilding of St. John's!
The Icon of St. John the Evangelist
An icon (from the Greek eikon - an image or resemblance) is a religious work of art. They are not simply artwork; rather an icon is a sacred image used in religious devotion.
The most common subjects of an icon include Christ, Mary, saints, especially associated with portrait-style images with a concentration on one or two main figures, including narrative scenes, from script or the lives of saints.
Icons are most commonly painted on wood panels. In the Greek language, the term for icon painting uses the same word as for “writing”. So the Greek is translated as “icon writing”. Just as the scriptures are inspired writing, an icon is also inspiredly written.
The icon of St. John the Evangelist, that was commissioned for the celebration of our centennial, was “written” by Kara Gillette. Kara has been writing icons for several years.
We are blessed to have this inspired icon of St. John to hang in our church.
The most common subjects of an icon include Christ, Mary, saints, especially associated with portrait-style images with a concentration on one or two main figures, including narrative scenes, from script or the lives of saints.
Icons are most commonly painted on wood panels. In the Greek language, the term for icon painting uses the same word as for “writing”. So the Greek is translated as “icon writing”. Just as the scriptures are inspired writing, an icon is also inspiredly written.
The icon of St. John the Evangelist, that was commissioned for the celebration of our centennial, was “written” by Kara Gillette. Kara has been writing icons for several years.
We are blessed to have this inspired icon of St. John to hang in our church.
St. John's Centennial Song
The Lord's Voice
Ice Cream Social with
Ice Cream Social with
American Music
American Music
Sunday, July 3rd
Courtyard and Nale Hall
Courtyard and Nale Hall
Mark your calendars and save the date for an all parish, all ages, old- fashioned Ice Cream Social!
There will be live entertainment, a community sing along, and lots of non- stop fun and socializing,
as well as ice cream sundaes with lots of toppings!
Please invite your friends and families to this event as we recreate
a St. John’s favorite tradition from the past in this
year of our Centennial Celebration.
There will be live entertainment, a community sing along, and lots of non- stop fun and socializing,
as well as ice cream sundaes with lots of toppings!
Please invite your friends and families to this event as we recreate
a St. John’s favorite tradition from the past in this
year of our Centennial Celebration.