Congregations like their individual members have a ministry - a primary way in which God acts through them
to carry out the mission of the Church. Ministry is faith in action!
All members of St. John's are invited to participate in the ministries. If you are interested in any of these ministries, please contact a member of the group or the church office. If there is a ministry not listed that you would like to see at St. John's, please contact a member of the Vestry.
Ministries of St. John's
Acolytes are ministers at the altar of God and assist the priest. They carry the cross, torches and book of Gospel readings at all worship services. Acolytes also assist in serving Holy Eucharist. Youth members of the church can become acolytes.
Altar Guild are responsible for the meticulous condition and inspiring appearance of the Church. They are responsible for the care of the altar and all the implements including polishing, laundering, washing and maintaining the beauty of the Church. Altar Guild contact
Rev. Roger
Chalice Bearers, Lectors, and Lay Readers assist at all services. Lay readers are authorized to conduct services. Lectors read the lessons during the service. Chalice bearers assist in the distribution of communion.
Choir provides uplifting music on Sunday mornings and other important Church days and services. Choir practices in the church on Wednesday evenings from 5:30-7:00 pm. If you like to sing, please contact Cheryl Seppala.
Flower Guild is a group of volunteers who create the flower arrangements in the church. Members serve on a rotation basis, being responsible for a particular Sunday each month. Monetary donations for flowers are requested. We invite you to sign up on the Flower Chart located in the Narthex. You may dedicate flowers in celebration or in memory of any person or event you choose. The suggested donation is $40. New members are always welcome and can work alongside more experienced members. Flower Guild contact is Marcia Morris.
Ushers assist by preparing the Church for services. They welcome worshipers, assist newcomers, dispense bulletins, collect the offerings, direct people to find seats and maintain a steady flow to the altar for communion. Contact Lynn Young.
Hospitality members provide light refreshments on Sundays and coordination of special events. The sign-up sheet is located in Nale Hall.
International Order of St. Luke, the Physician (OSL) is an ecumenical order of lay and clergy members dedicated to the Christian healing ministry. Members of OSL are available for healing prayers during communion on Sundays in the Chapel. A monthly healing service is scheduled on the first Sunday of each month at 11:30 am in the Chapel. For more information about OSL, follow this link
Lectors are those who read the Holy Scriptures and the Prayers of the People. Lectors are scheduled in advance and are on rotation with other lectors. If you are interested on becoming a reader, contact the church office at (619) 422-4141 or at [email protected].
Vestry is the elect body composed of the rector and a group of parishioners administering the business affairs of the parish. The volunteers serve a 3-year term ensuring the spiritual work of the Church can go on unhindered by the worldly concerns of the operation and upkeep of its physical church.
Contact Lynn Young, Senior Warden at (208) 695-7735 or [email protected]