Each of us has been given spiritual gifts to use for the glory of God and for service to others. Wouldn't you like to know what your spiritual gifts are and which ministries can use those gifts?
The gifts are: Administration, Apostle, Caregiver, Craftsmanship, Discernment, Evangelist, Exhortation, Faith, Giving, Healing, Hospitality, Intercession, Knowledge, Mercy, Missionary, Musician, Pastor, Deeds of Power, Prophet, Serving, Teacher, Tongues, and Wisdom On Sunday, October 21, there will be one service at 9 a.m. followed by a workshop of approximately one hour led by Rev. Cathey Dowdle during which you can find out what your spiritual gifts are. After that, lunch will be provided by the Vestry. If you already know your spiritual gifts, we'd love to have you come and help others as they take the assessment. Much of the workshop time will be spent individually answering a questionnaire. The answers can remain private and will reveal your own spiritual gifts. For example, one statement on the questionnaire is "I like to sing hymns and songs either alone or with other people", followed by these choices: Strongly Agree, Agree Somewhat, Undecided, Disagree Somewhat, Strongly Disagree. Most people who have taken the questionnaire have found it insightful and enjoyable. I first took the spiritual gifts assessment about thirty years ago at another church/denomination and then again at Saint John's about five years ago. The results were exactly the same. My primary spiritual gift is Administration, and that led to my accepting the assignment of putting together the Ministry Fair. It pleased me to be able to use my gift as the Lord intended and to feel that I did it well. Please don't hesitate to contact me or Rev. Cathey if you have questions about the workshop. -Diane Gustafson 619-253-7298 [email protected] Comments are closed.