Holy Week and Easter
Maundy Thursday - Thursday, March 28th
7:00pm - Celebration of Eucharist with the Foot Washing Ritual and Altar of Repose
Good Friday - Friday, March 29th
12:00noon - Noonday Prayer with Everyone’s Way of the Cross (Contemporary)
7:00pm - Liturgy of the Word with Veneration of the Cross
Easter Eve: The Great Vigil of Easter - Saturday, March 30th
7:00pm - Beginning with blessing of the new fire, readings from the Old Testament,
Renewal of Baptismal Vows and Celebration of the Easter Eucharist
Easter Day: Sunday of the Resurrection - Sunday, March 31st
9:00am - Liturgy of the Word, Remembrance of Baptism, and Celebration of Eucharist
Easter Egg Hunt in the courtyard following the service - all children are welcome!
7:00pm - Celebration of Eucharist with the Foot Washing Ritual and Altar of Repose
Good Friday - Friday, March 29th
12:00noon - Noonday Prayer with Everyone’s Way of the Cross (Contemporary)
7:00pm - Liturgy of the Word with Veneration of the Cross
Easter Eve: The Great Vigil of Easter - Saturday, March 30th
7:00pm - Beginning with blessing of the new fire, readings from the Old Testament,
Renewal of Baptismal Vows and Celebration of the Easter Eucharist
Easter Day: Sunday of the Resurrection - Sunday, March 31st
9:00am - Liturgy of the Word, Remembrance of Baptism, and Celebration of Eucharist
Easter Egg Hunt in the courtyard following the service - all children are welcome!
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday February 14, 2023
On Ash Wednesday, we begin this season by marking ourselves with ashes as a sign of our own mortality.
Our Eucharistic liturgies with the Imposition of Ashes
12:00pm (no music)
5pm (organ/choir) - LIVESTREAMED!
On Ash Wednesday, we begin this season by marking ourselves with ashes as a sign of our own mortality.
Our Eucharistic liturgies with the Imposition of Ashes
12:00pm (no music)
5pm (organ/choir) - LIVESTREAMED!
Click below for 5pm Livestream
(To view chat, click on the "Watch on YouTube" banner at bottom left!)
(To view chat, click on the "Watch on YouTube" banner at bottom left!)
This year we will offer Ashes To Go:
7:30-9:00am in the Church parking lot
10:00am - 12:30pm and 2:00-3:30pm in front of My Cup of Tea
242 3rd Ave., Chula Vista.
7:30-9:00am in the Church parking lot
10:00am - 12:30pm and 2:00-3:30pm in front of My Cup of Tea
242 3rd Ave., Chula Vista.
Shrove/Fat Tuesday
February 13th
We will gather for our traditional Pancake Dinner before entering into the fast of Lent.
The Pancake Dinner sponsored by the Men of St. John’s will held in Nale Hall.
Don't forget to wear your most festive Mardi Gras attire!
Please Bring Us Your Palm Fronds
If you were unable to bring your old palms to church on Sunday, please bring them to the pancake supper. The palms will be ritually burned; and the ashes blessed and distributed for the Imposition of Ashes on Ash Wednesday.
If you were unable to bring your old palms to church on Sunday, please bring them to the pancake supper. The palms will be ritually burned; and the ashes blessed and distributed for the Imposition of Ashes on Ash Wednesday.
Three years ago, we were in the throes of the pandemic, but that didn't stop Saint John's from creating a beautiful Lessons and Carols program for our congregation to watch from the comfort of home. Due to social distancing requirements, we could not gather in person. Also, we could not assemble the choir - so we got creative! Each choir member, and some special guests individually recorded each carol - and through some creative magic we put them all together "Brady Bunch style", even overlapping all audio tracks. The result was a beautiful evening of Nine Lessons and Carols. Take an hour and come enjoy this special evening of magic, all recorded using only an iPhone, with Final Cut Pro post-processing!
From the Archives....
9:00am - with Organ and Choir
Coffee and Fellowship to follow
11:00am - with Sunday School and Nursery
9:00am - with Organ and Choir
Coffee and Fellowship to follow
11:00am - with Sunday School and Nursery
We will gather in the church for
a sung celebration of Holy Eucharist
with the Word of God and Prayers
We will gather in the church for
a sung celebration of Holy Eucharist
with the Word of God and Prayers
St. John's Summer Social:
BBQ, Ice Cream Social and Music
Sunday, July 16th at 2:00pm
The Men of St. John's invite you to celebrate summer with our BBQ and Ice Cream Social featuring a Rockin' 50s and 60s Sing-along led by Jane Ferguson
and members of the St. John's choir.
All are welcome - there is no charge!
Sign up in the Narthex.
The community is welcome to attend.
Please invite your family and friends.
BBQ, Ice Cream Social and Music
Sunday, July 16th at 2:00pm
The Men of St. John's invite you to celebrate summer with our BBQ and Ice Cream Social featuring a Rockin' 50s and 60s Sing-along led by Jane Ferguson
and members of the St. John's choir.
All are welcome - there is no charge!
Sign up in the Narthex.
The community is welcome to attend.
Please invite your family and friends.
Lenten Outreach
Each day of Lent, you are encouraged to think of someone less fortunate as you look in your closets and drawers. Remove one item from your closet that you no longer wear or need and put it into the appropriate bag. At the end of the forty days, donate these items to St. John’s so that we may share them with clients of ECS Head Start. Please bring your bags of clothing and place them in the narthex at the church.
All bags must be delivered by Palm Sunday, April 2nd
All bags must be delivered by Palm Sunday, April 2nd
The Season of Lent
On Wednesday, February 22nd, we begin the Season of Lent. The first Christians observed
with great devotion the days of our Lord's passion (Good Friday) and resurrection (Easter),
and it became the custom of the Church to prepare for these holy days
by a season of penitence and fasting.
Lent is traditionally marked by acts of special devotion: prayer, fasting,
self-examination and repentance, spiritual reading, and alms giving.
We are providing optional acts of devotion to help you keep the season holy:
Prayer and Study
- Wednesday Morning Prayer and Bible Study
- Labyrinth Walk
a shedding of worries and concerns; reaching a place of meditation and prayer;
and finding union with God and the healing forces at work in the world.
Come to walk on your own; brochures of guidance will be provided.
Saturday, March 18th from 10am-2pm in Nale Hall
Stations of the Cross Booklet
from those things that are holding you back from being
an example by word and deed of God’s love.
- Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross Booklet
- Self-Examination
from those things that are holding you back from being
an example by word and deed of God’s love.
- 40 Days – 40 Items
See the table in the narthex or the article in our E-Newsletter for details.
If you wish to have clothing collection bags sent to you, contact Maria in the church office.
Holy Week and Easter
Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday -Sunday, April 2nd
9:00am beginning with Blessing and Procession of Palms in Nale Hall
Maundy Thursday - Thursday, April 6th
7:00pm celebration of Eucharist with the Foot Washing Ritual
Good Friday - Friday, April 7th
12:00noon Everyone’s Way of the Cross
7:00pm Liturgy of the Word with Veneration of the Cross
Easter Eve: The Great Vigil of Easter - Saturday, April 8th
7:00pm Blessing a new fire, readings from the Old Testament, Renewal of Baptismal Vows and celebration of the Easter Eucharist
Easter Day: Sunday of the Resurrection - Sunday, April 9th
9:00am Liturgy of the Word, Remembrance of Baptism, and
celebration of Eucharist
9:00am beginning with Blessing and Procession of Palms in Nale Hall
Maundy Thursday - Thursday, April 6th
7:00pm celebration of Eucharist with the Foot Washing Ritual
Good Friday - Friday, April 7th
12:00noon Everyone’s Way of the Cross
7:00pm Liturgy of the Word with Veneration of the Cross
Easter Eve: The Great Vigil of Easter - Saturday, April 8th
7:00pm Blessing a new fire, readings from the Old Testament, Renewal of Baptismal Vows and celebration of the Easter Eucharist
Easter Day: Sunday of the Resurrection - Sunday, April 9th
9:00am Liturgy of the Word, Remembrance of Baptism, and
celebration of Eucharist
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday February 23, 2023
On Ash Wednesday, we begin this season by marking ourselves with ashes as a sign of our own mortality.
Our Eucharistic liturgies with the Imposition of Ashes
12:00pm (spoken)
7pm (sung)
On Ash Wednesday, we begin this season by marking ourselves with ashes as a sign of our own mortality.
Our Eucharistic liturgies with the Imposition of Ashes
12:00pm (spoken)
7pm (sung)
Last Minute Update: Tonight's 7pm Liturgy WILL be live-streamed!
Click below to view
Click below to view
This year we will have Ashes To Go:
7:30-9:00am in the Church parking lot
2:00-3:30pm in front of My Cup of Tea at 242 3rd Ave., Chula Vista.
7:30-9:00am in the Church parking lot
2:00-3:30pm in front of My Cup of Tea at 242 3rd Ave., Chula Vista.
A Celebration of Life
Norma Dunn
Saturday, February 4, 2023
St. John’s Episcopal Church
760 First Ave. Chula Vista, CA 91910
The family requests that memorial donations be made to
St. John’s Episcopal Church or to Episcopal Relief and Development
Please click on the LIVESTREAM button below to view the service
An Afternoon of Christmas Melodies
St. John's Annual Christmas Party
An Afternoon of Christmas Melodies
St. John's Annual Christmas Party
Sunday December 17, 2022
Cheryl and Wayne and friends provided an afternoon of Christmas music
which was followed by appetizers and dinner! The Church was packed
and all who attended had a wonderful time!
The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost:
A Liturgy in Thanksgiving for Creation
and Remembrance of St. Francis with the Blessing of Animals
The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost:
A Liturgy in Thanksgiving for Creation
and Remembrance of St. Francis with the Blessing of Animals
Sunday October 3, 2022
We will gather in the church for
a sung celebration of Holy Eucharist
with the Word of God and prayers.
Our Next Centennial Event!
Italian Dinner & Fundraiser
Saturday, May 14th
Nale Hall
Dinner Tickets: $15.00 per adult; $10 per child
You may purchase tickets for the dinner at the parish office, Church on Sunday,
or simply click on the Give Now button at top of this page!
Italian Dinner Opportunity Drawing
We are still collecting items for the Opportunity Drawings at the Italian Dinner. Hurry!
Last day to donate is Sunday, May 1. Items will be displayed in the Narthex on Mothers’ Day, May 8,
and tickets will be available for purchase on that day and on May 14.
Nale Hall
Dinner Tickets: $15.00 per adult; $10 per child
You may purchase tickets for the dinner at the parish office, Church on Sunday,
or simply click on the Give Now button at top of this page!
Italian Dinner Opportunity Drawing
We are still collecting items for the Opportunity Drawings at the Italian Dinner. Hurry!
Last day to donate is Sunday, May 1. Items will be displayed in the Narthex on Mothers’ Day, May 8,
and tickets will be available for purchase on that day and on May 14.
Sunday of the Passion:
Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 10, 2022
Liturgy of the Palms followed by
the celebration of the Eucharist with
a reading of The Passion According to Luke
Masks no longer required at indoor services but you may wish to wear a mask
if you are unvaccinated, immunocompromised or at higher risk
if you are unvaccinated, immunocompromised or at higher risk
The Season of Lent
Lent is traditionally marked by acts of special devotion: prayer, fasting,
self-examination and repentance, spiritual reading, and alms giving.
We are providing optional acts of devotion to help you keep the season holy:
Prayer and Study
- Wednesday Morning Prayer and Bible Study
- Labyrinth Walk
a shedding of worries and concerns; reaching a place of meditation and prayer;
and finding union with God and the healing forces at work in the world.
Come to walk on your own; brochures of guidance will be provided.
March 22 through March 25 from 9am-3pm in Nale Hall and March 26 from 9am-1pm
Stations of the Cross Booklet
the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego featuring "Sacred Earth Sacred Soul"
Join us via Zoom on 5 (plus an optional 6th) consecutive Tuesday evenings-
March 8, March 15, March 22, March 29, and April 5,
plus April 12 (optional)-from 6:30 - 7:45 PM.
For more information and to Register click here
from those things that are holding you back from being
an example by word and deed of God’s love.
- Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross Booklet
- Lenten Book Study – Creation Care
the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego featuring "Sacred Earth Sacred Soul"
Join us via Zoom on 5 (plus an optional 6th) consecutive Tuesday evenings-
March 8, March 15, March 22, March 29, and April 5,
plus April 12 (optional)-from 6:30 - 7:45 PM.
For more information and to Register click here
- Self-Examination
from those things that are holding you back from being
an example by word and deed of God’s love.
- 40 Days – 40 Items
See the table in the narthex or the article in our E-Newsletter for details.
If you wish to have clothing collection bags sent to you, contact Maria in the church office.
Outreach CollectionsSt. John's continues our ongoing collections of:
Prayer QuiltsSt. John's offers a Prayer Quilt Ministry
for anyone in need of prayer and support. This important ministry brings comfort and healing to many people who are suffering with illness. To request a quilt, please contact the parish office ([email protected]). |
Morning Prayer and Bible StudyLooking for a way to recharge your spiritual life?
Join your St. John's family for these mid-week devotions On Wednesday mornings, St. John’s celebrates Morning Prayer and Bible Study from 9:30am to 10:30am Both will be held via Zoom - Please contact the Parish Office if you are interested in joining. Veteran/Military Friendly CongregationSt. John's is designated by the
Military Chaplains Association as a Veteran/Military Friendly Congregation. Ministry to active military members, veterans, and their families allows us the opportunity to support them in their spiritual needs. This outreach ministry offers us a way to tell the Good News to our many neighbors in the military and to give the opportunities for us to use their spiritual gifts while they are with us. We Are Here For You!As the pandemic restrictions loosen and we carefully gather in person at St. John's, we are here for you! If you, a family member, neighbor or a friend are interested in celebrating a significant event in your spiritual life, please know that you are welcome. We would be honored to be a part of your Baptism, Holy Communion, Marriage, Renewal of Vows, or Quinceañera. At St. John's, no matter who you are or where you are on your spiritual journey - you are welcome here! |
Health Guidelines
- Vaccinated people do not need to social distance and may now join in congregational singing.
- Participants in the following church ministries should be vaccinated:
- Anyone celebrating or distributing communion.
- Anyone singing in a choir or leading sung music in worship.
- Anyone leading children/youth ministries for those under age 12.
- Anyone visiting a home, hospital, or group care setting as part of a pastoral care ministry or serving as a Eucharistic visitor.
- Communion wine may distributed in individual containers, or by having the priest intinct all wafers and drop them in worshipers' hands. Sipping from the common cup, or having individual worshipers intinct, is still not allowed.
- Since children under age 12 have not had the opportunity to be vaccinated, all children's ministries should be conducted with masks, following 3-foot distancing between children (the same requirements schools follow).
- Refreshments may be served at coffee hour, indoors or outdoors, but they should not be served buffet-style with shared implements. Refreshments should be individually wrapped, or served by a server who is the only one to touch the serving implements.
Our staff is fully vaccinated and the church office is open Monday - Thursday from 9am-3pm. Please call the parish office if you have any questions or concerns. (619-422-4141)
St. John's Thanks Healthcare Workers!
February 6, 2022
February 6, 2022
Valentine's Day
Diocesan Thank You to Healthcare Workers |
St. John's Thank You to Healthcare Workers
Ecumenical Prayer for Peace
Friday, March 18, 2022
During this time of conflict in the Ukraine,
we will gather in the church with
Rev. Roger and other clergy in our area including
Rev. Elizabeth Aguilar (The Community
Congregational Church, United Church of Christ),
Rev. Karla Halvorson (St. Mark's Lutheran Church),
and Rev. Tania Marquez (Community Minister of San Diego)
for prayer as people of faith.
Shrove/Fat Tuesday
March 1st
We will gather for our traditional Pancake Dinner before entering into the fast of Lent.
The Pancake Dinner sponsored by the Men of St. John’s will held in Nale Hall.
Don't forget to wear your most festive Mardi Gras attire!
Celebration of Life Liturgy
Friday, January 28, 2022
St. John’s Episcopal Church
760 First Ave. Chula Vista, CA 91910
In lieu of flowers, the family suggests making a donation to Operation Smile
in memory of Dinah Bates. Dinah was passionate about this organization that provides
surgical care for children who suffer with cleft disfigurements
A Festival of Nine Lesson and Carols of Christmastide
Last December 2020 we found ourselves in the midst of COVID, and we could not gather in the church. Instead, virtual services were created. Our Christmas Eve service included the singing talents of many in the choir as well as some friends of the church. Due to Covid restrictions, each choir member needed to be recorded separately, and were combined together later to create the effect of an entire choir singing together! It was a novel approach to difficult times, and everyone put forth their best, and had some fun as well! So much work went into creating this service, that we decided to highlight it again this year, on our website!
Health Guidelines
Because of the increasing COVID cases, the bishop is modifying one COVID guideline.
- All people (vaccinated or not) are required to wear a mask during our worship services; except when reading or preaching.
- Vaccinated people do not need to social distance and may now join in congregational singing.
- Participants in the following church ministries should be vaccinated:
- Anyone celebrating or distributing communion.
- Anyone singing in a choir or leading sung music in worship.
- Anyone leading children/youth ministries for those under age 12.
- Anyone visiting a home, hospital, or group care setting as part of a pastoral care ministry or serving as a Eucharistic visitor.
- Communion wine may distributed in individual containers, or by having the priest intinct all wafers and drop them in worshipers' hands. Sipping from the common cup, or having individual worshipers intinct, is still not allowed.
- Since children under age 12 have not had the opportunity to be vaccinated, all children's ministries should be conducted with masks, following 3-foot distancing between children (the same requirements schools follow).
- Refreshments may be served at coffee hour, indoors or outdoors, but they should not be served buffet-style with shared implements. Refreshments should be individually wrapped, or served by a server who is the only one to touch the serving implements.
Our staff is fully vaccinated and the church office is open Monday - Thursday from 9am-3pm. Please call the parish office if you have any questions or concerns. (619-422-4141)
Holy Week and Easter 2021
The Heart of the Christian Year
Holy Week begins on the Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday, as Jesus enters Jerusalem and is welcomed as king.
The week progresses to the Last Supper when Jesus washes the feet of his disciples and his betrayal and arrest on Thursday evening; his trial and crucifixion on Friday; and his conquering death and resurrection on
Easter Eve/Easter Sunday. These services provide a liturgical experience of the last days of Jesus' earthly life.
Holy Week culminates with the Paschal Triduum (sacred three days): starting the evening of Maundy Thursday, through the evenings of Good Friday and Holy Saturday (with the Great Vigil of Easter,) and ending the evening of Easter;
all celebrating the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The Paschal Triduum is experienced as one liturgy:
having remembered the institution of the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper, we traditionally wait and pray (vigil) at the altar of repose on Maundy Thursday; then we continue with the reading of the Passion along with the veneration and prayer (vigil) at the cross of Christ on Good Friday; leading us to the Easter Vigil where we gather and pray (vigil) around the new fire to hear the stories of salvation after which we celebrate the resurrection of Christ in
the Holy Eucharist; a celebration that continues into Easter day.
"Stay with me, keep watch with me. Watch and pray."
Sunday of the Passion – Palm Sunday: March 28th
9:00AM (In-person service in the courtyard and livestreamed on our website)
Liturgy of the Palms and Liturgy of the Word with a reading of The Passion According to Mark
Maundy Thursday: April 1st
7:00PM (In-person service in Nale Hall and livestreamed on our website)
An adapted Jewish Seder and Christian Agape service with our Maundy Thursday Liturgy of the Word, the remembrance of Foot Washing at the Last Supper with the directive to serve our neighbors in need, and the commemoration of the institution of Holy Eucharist with the blessing of bread and wine. The worship of this day has no formal dismissal.
Good Friday: April 2nd
12:00PM (In-person service in the courtyard and livestreamed on our website)
Noonday prayer with Stations of the Cross
7:00PM (In-person service in the courtyard and livestreamed on our website)
Liturgy of the Word including hearing the Passion of Christ, solemn prayers and the veneration of the cross with time for individual prayer at the cross of Christ
Holy Saturday – The Great Vigil of Easter: April 3rd
7:00PM (In-person service in the courtyard and in the church; livestreamed on our website )
Gather (vigil) in prayer as we light the new fire and Paschal Candle and we hear again the stories of salvation; reaffirm our faith with the Renewal of Baptismal Vows, followed by the Celebration of Holy Eucharist and the receiving of Easter Communion.
Sunday of the Resurrection – Easter Day: April 4th
9:00AM (In-person service in the church and livestreamed on our website)
Please join us in the church for our Easter celebration of God’s word, reaffirm our faith with the Renewal of Baptismal Vows,
Holy Baptism and Celebration of Eucharist with the receiving of Easter Communion.
Please call the parish office if you plan to attend any of our worship services
(619) 422-4141
If you are not able to join us in person, you may join us online.
Our liturgy will be Livestreamed on Facebook. Please click the button below.
Our liturgy will be Livestreamed on Facebook. Please click the button below.
With the rising number of Coronavirus cases placing us in the purple (worst) zone,
we cannot gather in the church for in-person worship
and not knowing the weather makes it difficult to plan for outdoor worship.
Our service will be Livestreamed from the church
(we will not be gathering in-person)
Please Join Us - Virtually!
The Third Sunday of Advent
Liturgy of the Word of God with music,
prayers, and Spiritual Communion
Sunday, December 13, 2020
With the rising number of Coronavirus cases placing us in the purple (worst) zone,
we cannot gather in the church for in-person worship
and not knowing the weather makes it difficult to plan for outdoor worship.
Our service will be Livestreamed from the church
(we will not be gathering in-person)
Please Join Us - Virtually!
The Third Sunday of Advent
Liturgy of the Word of God with music,
prayers, and Spiritual Communion
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Sept 2, 2020: Update to pandemic response
Based on the Governor's recent update to lift restrictions on in-person worship, Bishop Susan has allowed congregations to once again gather for worship, with restrictions. Therefore, the vestry of St. John's has decided to allow the congregation to regather for outdoor worship following the guidelines of our action plan.
Our gathering must follow the guidelines for in-person worship, including:
- temperature and symptom review
- social distancing of 6 feet
- hand sanitation
- wearing mask protection
- regretfully, no physical touch
- discourage age 65 and over
- if you are sick, you are asked to stay home
For those who cannot attend because of the guidelines or do not feel comfortable, the liturgy will be streamed live on the St. John's website. Click the button below to access our Action Plan, which further defines the guidelines for in-person worship.
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, Sunday Worship Services are streamed on Facebook 9am Sundays
Sunday Services at St. John's
Join us at 8:00am for our traditional (Rite I), spoken service. |
Join us at 10:00am for our contemporary (Rite II) service with organ, choir and congregational singing. Sunday School for children grades 1-8 from 10:00-10:30am. Children may join their family in the church or transition to childcare. Childcare is offered from 9:30-11:30am. |